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Project Overview

The above image outlines the work packages and leaders for each aspect of the project.


The following items give a summary of the steps in the delivery of this project, under the key areas of starting point, completion and looking forward. Click on the relevant link to find out more.

Project Objectives


Our team set out to undertake a project that held the student experience at the core.
As a new Technological University, we are focused on preparing our engineering students for industry.
Our aim, therefore, was to enhance our engineering programme to expose students to opportunities to develop the key skills needed for their career and to give them an opportunity to reflect on the development of those skills through the use of an e-portfolio.

Design of Learning


We proposed to identify the skills that engineers will need in the future and co-create action statements with students which could inform new learning outcomes.
This required a review of our current programme to assess the extent to which we currently teach the identified skills and to reveal opportunities where our modules and teaching approaches could be adapted to enhance opportunities for students to develop the skills.

Enhancing Teaching & Learning Practice

hats in the air 1.jpg

With skills identified and defined, a pilot of an e-portfolio project with one class to encourage them to reflect on and record the development of their skills was carried out.

From gathering feedback from the students we intend to feed this into a larger rollout of e-portfolios and reflections on professional skill development in the programme.


Digital social media

We wanted to ensure that we disseminate our project, our methods and our findings both internally to the TU Dublin community and externally through the publication of conference and journal papers. 

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